“I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”

John 14: 6

12 “Look, I AM coming soon! My reward is with Me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

Revelation 22: 12-13

Pastors Noreen & Henry  Kevern

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The Clanging of the Bell in My Head

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the LORD, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the LORD.

1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV

The Word of the LORD is clanging in my head. There is a bell ringing of the danger that is beginning to overwhelm some churches that are being corrupted by the devil. There are churches that are compromising the Word of GOD and because of that, Christians are endangered by false teaching and acceptance of sin in their church. We live in the world but we are not to be of the world, but sadly the devil is using GOD’s Word to corrupt churches to go against GOD. Without question, the devil is twisting the Word of the LORD and causing many Christians to go against the Word of GOD because they neither know nor study GOD’s Word. People are blinded to the truth of GOD’s Word and because churches are compromising with the world, sin is running rampant in the lives of Christians and they do not even know it. Church is for sinners to come and learn to turn from their sins; it is not a place to come to continue in sin.

The bell is so loud in my head, it is warning me of the things that are coming. Oh my fellow Christians, heed the Word of the LORD. Study it, devour its message, and do not let the world compromise your faith. JESUS told us: “Neither will I condemn you, go and sin no more.” (John 8:11 NKJV) For your sake, study the Word day and night, learn from GOD and learn His truth, His grace and love. GOD loves you and wants you to follow Him but sadly so many people are allowing  sin to enter into their lives and take hold of them and GOD wants you to come out of the evil and enter into His holiness. GOD calls us to be holy as He is. We are to be perfect as GOD is perfect and yet every day I see more and more of the devil spewing out his lies through so many people. Satan is a liar. He is the father of lies. The devil uses people by filling them with such lies and has caused so many people to harden their hearts to hear the truth of GOD. People, stop listening to the devil and open your hearts to GOD. Abide in CHRIST and live out your lives by following the way of the LORD. Don’t let the devil lead you to hell.

The warning bell has sounded. The signs are obvious and if you continue to compromise your faith with the lies of the devil, you will go to hell. JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6 NKJV) GOD’s Word stands firm and GOD does not lie. GOD is love and He wants you to know that He is calling you to give your life to Him and allow Him to work out His amazing plans for your life. We have lost track of the fact that we are here to learn to love GOD and to surrender our lives to Him so that He may show us how much He loves us by the blessings He has for our lives. GOD is love and He proved it when He came down as a human to earth, so that by His life, He could teach us how to live in His love. JESUS died on the cross, taking our punishment for our sin. He willingly laid down His life so that by believing in Him, by following the way of our LORD, we can live in heaven with GOD forever. This life is to prepare ourselves for our home in heaven. But many people are using this life to prepare to go to hell. JESUS will return; He will come on the clouds and take those who have surrendered all of their lives to Him. Those who are left behind on earth will suffer many tribulations, but even in the end times, GOD’s love will never fail and He will still call out to those who are left behind to surrender their lives to Him. The signs are obvious that JESUS will return soon.  And that is something only the FATHER knows.  That is why we are to live our lives in JESUS; we are to abide in Him and let His love flow out and to know His joy, which is our strength for living our lives here on earth.

Christians! Don’t be fooled by the father of lies. Do not let the devil steal your reward of heaven. Open your eyes and follow the Word of the LORD. Every day I see more and more people falling for the lies of the devil. People want to see something in order to believe and that is not faith; faith should be about believing without seeing. JESUS said to Thomas: “Thomas, because you have seen ME, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29 NKJV) That’s truly faith when we believe in CHRIST without having witnessed His cross. But we have evidence to support our faith in GOD. We have the Bible, the living Word of GOD. GOD gave us the Bible to prepare us for life in heaven. Let’s really think about this for a moment. GOD has been speaking to us for thousands of years. We live in His light for a while and then we allow the trials and tribulations of life to cause us to comprise our faith and then we fall away. Live as if tomorrow never comes (and of course, tomorrow never comes for it is always today.) and live in GOD’s love. There is no social gospel; that is the worlds’ gospel influenced by the devil. JESUS’ Gospel calls us to be born again, to become like a child and learn from Him, to change from the old man of sin and be a new creation in CHRIST. JESUS said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of GOD.” (John 3:5 NKJV) Please stop filling your lives with the lies of the devil! What you put into your head is what you believe. If you continue to put the lies of the devil into your head, you will never know the truth of JESUS. He is a friend of sinners, calling sinners to repent and change their lives. He does not condemn but shows you how to become holy as He is. He is the doctor of our lives; His death will heal us if only we would open our hearts and minds to His Word and to listen to what JESUS tells us in the Word. Let His SPIRIT dwell in you. Abide in JESUS, as He is the vine and we are the branches. We cannot be GOD’s children if we do not abide in Him. We are all GOD’s creations, but we are not all GOD’s children. Do you understand that; GOD created each and every one of us and when we surrender our lives to Him and learn from Him we become adopted as His sons and daughters; when we are born again of water and the SPIRIT; the HOLY SPIRIT will convict us of our sins. These are the words of JESUS; He does not lie. GOD’s WORD is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His commandments teach us what sin is. JESUS said: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the Law until all is fulfilled.” (Matthew 5:17-18 NKJV) And since heaven and earth are still here, GOD’s commands are still here. But when we abide in JESUS and His SPIRIT lives in us and convicts us of our sins, we are no longer under the law because GOD abides in us. Do not compromise the Word of GOD by allowing yourself to be filled with the lies that Satan has put on the airwaves, in music, in movies, in books, everywhere. GOD is calling you to give Him a chance. Even if you don’t believe in JESUS, give Him a chance in your life. Try surrendering to Him and see what happens. You have allowed the devil to have his way with you, even if you do not realize it. Now let GOD have His way with you and by letting Him have His way, your life will be changed into something better. GOD’s way is love and in His love we have our worth. The father of lies will teach you the way to hell. JESUS will teach you the way to heaven.

GOD loves you with a never ending love. We were created by GOD, for GOD, to learn to live out our lives in His wondrous love. His way is easy and His burden is light. Abide in Him for He will abide in you when you surrender your life to Him and how oh how sweet is the surrender. JESUS has taught me to love all people regardless of who they are, what they believe in and anything else that is happening in their lives. He calls me to tell you about His love. He calls me to warn you of the way in which the devil is lying to you and causing you to lose His Salvation by His cross. JESUS calls us to follow Him, to be born again of His SPIRIT and of water, to start our lives over in Him and to be His light in the world, showing His compassion and love in our lives. We are to love sinners but not the sin and how the devil twists that saying. The devil wants you to believe that we cannot both love the person and hate the sin. After all, GOD hates sin but loves us so much, that He came down from heaven and became human as we are and took our punishment upon Himself and died in our place. “For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten SON, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NKJV)

We are called to show others that GOD calls us to a higher form of love and life. GOD wants us to be perfect as He is perfect. GOD has implanted in me something greater than the world tells me I am, that I can live a life abiding in Him and have such joy and love and peace in my life. That’s what He is calling you to. The cross is the love of GOD being made real; GOD loves you so much that He laid down His life for you. All you have to do is to accept JESUS as your LORD and Savior, and to be born again, ask Him to forgive you your sins, to repent of them, and begin a new life in Him. Life in Him is so wonderfully filled with joy. Rejoice in the LORD always, again I say rejoice. Life in GOD is only hard when we do not fully surrender all of our life to Him. We have to abandon all to Him. We have to give up controlling our lives and give GOD control. In doing so, you must realize that the father of lies will tell us that we would have to give up the fun in our lives. But that is not true! A life in CHRIST, abiding in Him, fills me with such joy. JESUS loved to celebrate with His friends. What saddens me is not my life in CHRIST because my life is filled with pure joy as I abide in CHRIST. What saddens me is seeing how others around me are not living in CHRIST. When I see a family member or friend living in sin, it saddens me. When I see people living together but not married, when I see people being used by the devil to cause others to sin, when people say that they believe that JESUS would not deny homosexuals to marry, and in doing so, denying Jesus’ own words: “Have you not read that He Who made them at the beginning male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined with his wife and the two shall become one flesh. So then, they are no longer two but one flesh.’ Therefore what GOD has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6 NKJV) JESUS says here that GOD created male and female & He calls them together in marriage. JESUS was being asked about divorce; that divorce is only allowed for those who commit adultery and in doing so, causing the other who did not commit adultery if they desire to marry again, to commit adultery. See, GOD does not like divorce and even when the other commits sin; it is not just against GOD but against the other person. GOD’s good order is broken in sin. Many people think that becoming one refers to sex, but it refers to the kind of relationship that husbands and wives are to enjoy. Being one flesh and abiding in each other’s love. JESUS said that He is one with the FATHER and that we are one with Him. So then we are one with GOD. We are made one with GOD; and in marriage, we are made one with each other. GOD has given us in His Word by using marriage as a model for our relationship with Him. GOD is intimate with us and He knows everything we think, we say, we do and what we truly believe. Sex is not what creates love in a marriage, but relationship, abiding in one flesh and one spirit, is what marriage is. Marriage is about loving one another; doing whatever it takes to make your spouse happy, holding each other when you fail one another. Marriage is the relationship that a husband and wife grow and develop and live; it is learning about one another and moving beyond self and creating a relationship that abides in love.  GOD created order so that our lives would be easy and our burden light. But the devil was and is jealous. The devil wants to destroy your life because he wants to be GOD. But only GOD is GOD and there is no other. Satan is a liar. We see his lies in movies, TV, books and magazines that promote sexual immorality which is adultery, porn, living together without marriage, homosexuality, or sexual bondage. The devil’s lies include worshipping something other than GOD, be it money, clothes, people like celebrities or sports figures, not worshipping GOD at all because we have to accept other religions and we do not want to offend others, stealing, wanting what another has by promoting class warfare, in saying that people who have money have to give to those that do not. Jesus told us that we will always have the poor among us and that all of us can do something to help them. Time, talent or money can help others. Tithing encompasses those things and through our giving in the churches we attend, or though giving to ministries that preach and teach the Word or charities that help the poor, we can all do something for the poor. GOD calls us to be our brother’s keeper, not the government to be our brother’s keeper. It’s about our relationship with each other. Being poor is too often thought of as shameful. There is no shame in being poor. JESUS went around preaching and allowed others to give to Him food and housing. JESUS completely lived His life dependent upon His FATHER to provide all things for Him. He did the FATHER’s will, putting GOD’s kingdom and love first in His life and all JESUS needed for His life on earth was provided by His FATHER. The devil causes people to lust after others, through talk about sexual attraction, sexual addiction, adultery, having sex outside of marriage, having sex with a person of the same sex, sex that hurts another with bondage; these sins we not only do to each other but through them we sin against GOD. Let’s be honest, why do you think there are so many sexually transmitted diseases? We were created to be married to one person in GOD’s orderly life He has for us, to procreate and to love each other in the way that GOD’s loves us. Marriage is not sex; marriage is about a very personal relationship between a man and a woman. Marriage is fulfilling GOD’s original plan for humankind, and sex within marriage so as to go forth and multiply.

Sin is so rampant in the world. Parents do not know how to be parents. Parents are to protect their children from the lies of the devil. Parents are not to put their child in danger, but are to show them GOD’s amazing love and to teach them how to walk in the way of the LORD. We as parents are to teach GOD’s way and not allow our children to watch the filth that is on the TV. It’s not cute to take a video of your child swearing, it is not cute when they go around shooting with pretend guns, when they hit their parents, parents not disciplining their children, when they watch adult programming or play adult video games, and not teach them to love the LORD their GOD with all of their hearts, with all of their souls, with all of their minds and with all of their strength, we leave them open to the devil’s lies.

GOD loves you. He wants you to love Him, but He will not force you to love Him. Sin places us in opposition to GOD. When we sin, we are not just sinning against others or ourselves, but we are sinning against GOD. We in a sense, cause JESUS to be crucified all over again, because when we sin, we shake our fists at His cross and in essence say His death was worthless. But praise the LORD, for His grace and mercy covers us and when we accept JESUS as our LORD and Savior, His SPIRIT comes to live in us and in doing so, teaches us not to sin. In accepting JESUS, we tell GOD we are sorry for our sins and repent, which means we do not continue in sin. Seeking GOD means we seek Him in His Word, through worshipping Him and by learning each day to pick up the cross and to follow and to abide in JESUS. Our Journey in this life is to learn to love GOD with all of our heart, with all of our soul, with all of our mind and with all of our strength. We will slip and sin, but we must continue in our walk. We ask GOD to help us not to sin and we call on Him for His help in all things. Each challenge that we face, gives us the opportunity to call on GOD to help us through everything that happens in our lives. Each day is a new day to surrender to GOD and give your life to Him. We will grow in His grace, His mercy and His love as we learn to be completely dependent upon GOD for all things in our lives. If we earnestly give ourselves to GOD, we will learn to deepen our relationship with Him and abide in His love. He is the vine and we are the branches. We cannot live without the vine. And when GOD prunes us, He makes us more fruitful.

I pray that GOD will fill you with the desire to come to Him and that you will open your heart to hear Him speak to you through His Word, through your family and friends and even strangers, for they may be His angels and we might be entertaining angels unaware. GOD will help you to throw worry out the window, to enjoy life in Him, to abide in Him and be at peace in His life. GOD will never leave you even if you do not believe in Him. He places things in our lives that lead to Him. Open your heart to see and hear what GOD is placing there and love Him. Take the first step in His amazing love and watch how your life will change. In JESUS’ Name. Amen.